Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Gift "The Best Day Of Her Life" This International Women's Day

Women are full of words, wit, playfulness, sweet-talk and laughter. Life is so full of love when you are surrounded by women. The women in your life have given you oodles of love and affection more than anyone else. It's her care you never want to miss. International Women's Day is the best day to celebrate her presence in your life, to show how valuable she is to you and to thank her for being there when you most needed.

There is no limit to what women achieve today. We have female CEO's, astronauts, prime ministers and many more leaders. International Women's day 2014 falls on March 8th and its the time for you to celebrate their achievements.

If you want to surprise your Wife/Mom, touch her heart and make her glow with happiness, you are going to love this idea.

Like I said, its going to be a surprise to her, so act carefully.

If she is working:
  • Most offices celebrate International Women's Day
  • Discuss with her company HR and sponsor her office's International Women's Day celebrations for the prizes and decorations mainly
  • If she is really good at something, say singing, request concerned authorities at her office to host a singing competition on that day and encourage her to take part (don't force her though!)
  • Meanwhile, you could get a portrait of her painted on thermocoal with glitters and all
  • Request her office HR to place her portrait just next to the words "Happy Women's Day 2014" caption at her office
  • If there is a nice video you can make about her (let it be about her supportive role in your life, how different and talented she is, etc), do get permission to play it on that day.
  • Make sure you are permitted to surprise her with your presence during the event's prize distribution or during the vote of thanks
  • If you are a good speaker, you could speak a few words yourself about her, which would be very touching

If she isn't working:

Host the same in your office and get permission for her to join you and participate at your office's celebrations.

No woman would have been successful without the support of a man so long and can never be anytime in the future either. This is the time to prove how supportive you would be to any of her ambitions and interests in life. Let your celebrations be bold and beautiful, just like the women in your life. Have a wonderful women's day ever! Good luck!